Laboratory for Autonomous Systems and Mobile Robotics

The Laboratory for Autonomous Systems and Mobile Robotics (LAMOR), directed by Prof. Ivan Petrović of the University of Zagreb Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, has a long tradition in research of advanced control strategies and estimation techniques for a variety of applications with a strong emphasis on autonomous navigation of ground and aerial robots in unknown and dynamic environments. Our methodology relies on a strong coupling between theoretical research, algorithm development, experimental evaluations, and a healthy dose of serendipity. LAMOR's research activity is organized around three major axes: Motion Planning and Control, Simultaneous Localization and Mapping, and Detection and Tracking of Moving Objects. Our laboratory is equipped with state-of-the-art ground and aerial robotic platforms, advanced perception sensors and a motion capture covered arena.

AROSS kick-off meeting at UNIZG-FER

On Monday 4th of September 2017 the Kick-off meeting of the project Centre of Excellence for Autonomous and Cooperative Robotic Systems - ACROSS took place at UNIZG-FER.

ACROSS project passed the first phase at the H2020-WIDESPREAD-2016-2017 call and is coordinated by Prof. Ivan Petrovic. The project is implemented in a strategic partnership as a long-term joint venture between the UNIZG-FER, the Royal Institute of Technology - KTH and the Innovation Centre Nikola Tesla - ICENT. 

Out of a total of 208 projects submitted to the European Commission public call, 30 projects from 12 countries were adopted for financing the first phase, which concernes the development of business plans of Centres of excellence. The ACROSS project is the only accepted project in the first phase of Teaming from Croatia (1.9.2017. – 31.8.2018).

The overall objective of the project is to create a Centre of Excellence for Autonomous and Cooperative Robotic Systems in Croatia (ACROSS CoE), which will be at the forefront of research and innovation of novel methodologies and advanced engineering approaches in the targeted domains. To achieve the overall objective, the proposal focuses on long-term objectives for Teaming Phase 2 and on one-year objective for Teaming Phase 1. If passed to the second phase ACROSS CoE will be supported by the EU with additional 15 million EUR and by the Croatian government with at least 15 million EUR for 7 years. Details about the project can be found at our project website.

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