Laboratory for Autonomous Systems and Mobile Robotics

The Laboratory for Autonomous Systems and Mobile Robotics (LAMOR), directed by Prof. Ivan Petrović of the University of Zagreb Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, has a long tradition in research of advanced control strategies and estimation techniques for a variety of applications with a strong emphasis on autonomous navigation of ground and aerial robots in unknown and dynamic environments. Our methodology relies on a strong coupling between theoretical research, algorithm development, experimental evaluations, and a healthy dose of serendipity. LAMOR's research activity is organized around three major axes: Motion Planning and Control, Simultaneous Localization and Mapping, and Detection and Tracking of Moving Objects. Our laboratory is equipped with state-of-the-art ground and aerial robotic platforms, advanced perception sensors and a motion capture covered arena.

AIFORS project introduced by Poslovni...

Croatian daily newspaper Poslovni dnevnik and web portal have published an article introducing the AIFORS project, created within the Laboratory (LAMOR) under the coordination of professor Ivan Petrović, as one of two new research projects with Artificial Intelligence application started by FER.

Professor Petrović has pointed out that although Artificial Intelligence has been known and applied for some time we still aim to achieve the predictable and reliable behaviour of robots, which may in near future become possible with the application of advanced artificial intelligence methods. With the AIFORS project a new research group in the field of artificial intelligence and robotics will be established at FER, which will enable the Faculty to attract top researchers who will independently implement an ambitious research strategy in intelligent robotics. 

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