Laboratory for Autonomous Systems and Mobile Robotics

The Laboratory for Autonomous Systems and Mobile Robotics (LAMOR), directed by Prof. Ivan Petrović of the University of Zagreb Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, has a long tradition in research of advanced control strategies and estimation techniques for a variety of applications with a strong emphasis on autonomous navigation of ground and aerial robots in unknown and dynamic environments. Our methodology relies on a strong coupling between theoretical research, algorithm development, experimental evaluations, and a healthy dose of serendipity. LAMOR's research activity is organized around three major axes: Motion Planning and Control, Simultaneous Localization and Mapping, and Detection and Tracking of Moving Objects. Our laboratory is equipped with state-of-the-art ground and aerial robotic platforms, advanced perception sensors and a motion capture covered arena.

Project MAS completed

FER researchers have collaborated with the company DOK-ING Ltd. on the project "Development of a multi-functional anti-terrorism system (MAS)" since October 2018. In accordance with the completion of the project in November 2022, LAMOR has successfully performed all planned activities and the project's results were presented at three international conferences:

  • Juraj Fulir presented the results published within the paper: Fulir, Juraj; Mihajlovic, Zeljka; Seder, Marija. A Simulator for Training Human Operators of a Remote Controlled Anti-Terrorism Ground Vehicle at the MIPRO 2020 conference
  • Marija Seder gave a presentation on the paper: Seder, Marija; Juric, Andela; Selek, Ana; Maric, Filip; Lovric, Marija; Petrovic, Ivan. Autonomous navigation of a tracked unmanned ground vehicle at the IAV 2020 conference
  • Ana Šelek presented the paper: Selek, Ana; Seder, Marija. Smooth Motion Planning of an Omnidirectional Mobile Robot in Dynamic Environments at the ICECCME 2022 conference.

The project was co-funded by EU funds within the Strengthening the Economy through Application of Research and Innovation program and aimed to stimulate SMEs to invest in R&D activities and develop a new innovative solution for the global market. 

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